Islamic Show

نتائج البحث: "Rarities"

  • 08:47 الأكتر مشاهدة Walt Disney - Chicken Little - 1943

    Walt Disney - Chicken Little - 1943

    بواسطة Islamic Show أضيف 1,236 عدد المشاهدات / 0 Likes

    It's the tale of Chicken Little, only with Foxy Loxy being a cunning villain who uses a number of psychological tactics to drive a farm-ful of animals into a cave to be eaten. Slightly disturbing and quite political - most youngsters will probably prefer

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  • 07:55 الأكتر مشاهدة Walt Disney - Ferdinand The Bull - 1938

    Walt Disney - Ferdinand The Bull - 1938

    بواسطة Islamic Show أضيف 951 عدد المشاهدات / 0 Likes

    This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellowanimals. As luck would have it, an untimely bee reveals Ferdinand's ferocious side via pained howls and wild stomping. This lands

  • 06:15 الأكتر مشاهدة Walt Disney - Hooked Bear - 1956

    Walt Disney - Hooked Bear - 1956

    بواسطة Islamic Show أضيف 1,115 عدد المشاهدات / 0 Likes

    Humphrey the Bear, who debuted in Goofy's Hold That Pose (1950) and appeared in a number of Donald Duck shorts in the first half of the decade, finally got two shorts belonging to the fussy park ranger Audubon J. Woodlore and him. Though the lesser of the

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